
Controllers are items that allow for P&E (Play and Earn) gameplay.

Each Controller has its own Grade and Level which determine the Attributes. The Attributes can be increased by inserting Gems into the designated sockets within the Controller.

Controller Summary

  • Controllers allow players to mine while playing the game.

  • You are able to enjoy the game without a Controller; however, mining will not be available.

Controller Grade & Attributes

  • Controllers are divided into 5 different Grades: Common / Uncommon / Rare / Epic / Legendary ※ Epic and Legendary grades will be updated in a future patch.

  • There are four different Attributes to consider on a Controller: Efficiency / Luck / Comfort / Resilience

  • The Grade of the Controllers will determine the Attributes and P&E efficiency.

Attributes Descriptions

Controller Element Min/Max

※ Epic and Legendary grades will be updated in a future patch.

How to Obtain

  • Controllers are obtained through the following methods:

→ Opening the Controller Boxes purchased from the NFT Exchange Shop

→ Minting 2 level 5 Controllers to obtain a new Controller Box

→ Purchasing an already opened Controller from another player in the NFT Exchange Shop

Controller Energy

  • The amount of Controllers you own and the Grades of the Controllers will determine your Energy.

  • 1 Energy is used up after playing a match with a Controller connected.

  • If all of your Energy is depleted, then you can no longer earn FM and Mystery Boxes after matches. ※ Only the Controller’s effects will not be applied and the game can still be played.

  • Your depleted Energy will gradually recharge after a certain amount of time.

  • 25% of Energy will be recharged every 6 hours until it reaches maximum Energy.

Energy by Controller Quantity

Energy by Grade

※ Epic and Legendary grades will be updated in a future patch.

Controller Mystery Box Slot

  • Mystery Boxes obtained from a match (only when a Controller is connected) will show up in the Controller Mystery Box Slots.

  • Up to 4 Mystery Boxes can be held in your Slots.

  • If you tap on the Mystery Boxes in the Slots, then the boxes will activate the timer for the opening. Once the wait time is over, you may open the boxes to obtain new Controllers.

  • You can choose to pay in Black Diamonds to immediately open the boxes without having to wait.

Controller Level-Up

  • When you level up a Controller, you can then increase the Attributes, Mint, and unlock the Sockets.

  • When leveling up a Controller, a certain amount of time and FM are required. If you wish to level up immediately, then you can spend Black Diamonds. ※ Additional FM is required to level up Controllers to certain level.

Points per Level Up

※ Epic and Legendary grades will be updated in a future patch.

Socket Unlock Rules by Controller Level

Fixing Controller

  • Controllers have Durability that decreases with use. The Durability of the Controller is linked with the efficiency of earning rewards.

  • Controllers can be fixed with FM.

Minting Controller

  • 2 level 5 Controllers can be used as materials to create a new Controller Box.

  • At a certain probability, you may be able to obtain 2 Controller Boxes from Minting (Twin Minting).

  • Depending on the number of Mints, Twin Minting probability will increase.

  • The generated Controller Box’s Grade will be determined by the specs of the Controllers used for Minting.

  • Each Controller has a Minting limit and Controllers with no more Minting left cannot be used as materials for Minting.

※ This Guide was written based on the test environment and may be subject to change in the future.

Last updated