Mystery Box
Mystery Box is a reward given when playing a battle with an equipped Controller.
▶ How to Check Your Mystery Boxes
You can check your owned Mystery Boxes by navigating to [Controller → Mystery Box List] from the main lobby screen.
You can own up to 4 Mystery Boxes in a Controller Slot.
▶ How to Obtain a Mystery Box
A Mystery Box is acquirable when you play a battle with an equipped Controller. ※ In the event that all Durability is consumed, you will be unable to obtain Mystery Boxes, even if you battle with an equipped Controller. ※ In the event that you own the maximum number of Mystery Boxes for the equipped Controller Slot, you will no longer be able to acquire additional Mystery Boxes. ※ If more Durability is expected to be deducted in battle than the remaining Controller Durability, you will not be able to obtain an additional Mystery Box.
▶ Mystery Box Open
Mystery Boxes displayed in the Slot can be opened one at a time. ※ Mystery Boxes in the process of being opened can be opened instantly using Black Diamonds.
It is possible to open an additional Mystery Box using Black Diamonds while waiting on another Mystery Box with remaining time to open.
You can acquire a Gem from the Mystery Box that can be equipped to the Controller Socket.
▶ Mystery Box Aquisition Probability Formula
63,000 X Luck / ( Luck + 200) / 1,500 X 1,200 / 1,000,000
63,000 X Luck / (Luck + 200) / 1,500 X 125 / 1,000,000
63,000 X Luck / (Luck + 200) / 1,500 X 66 / 1,000,000
▶ Items & Probability for Opening a Mystery Box
You can acquire Gems that can be equipped to a Controller by unlocking a Mystery Box.
※ This guide was written based on the test environment and may be subject to change in the future.
Last updated